Whereas traditional security protocols achieve their security goals relying solely on cryptographic primitives like encryptions and hash functions, the protocols employed to secure contactless devices establish and rely in addition on properties of the physical world. For instance, they may use, as basic building blocks, protocols for ensuring physical proximity, secure localisation, or secure neighbourhood discovery.
The main objective of the POPSTAR project is to develop foundations and practical tools to analyse modern security protocols that establish and rely on physical properties. The POPSTAR project will significantly advance the use of formal verification to contribute to the security analysis of protocols that rely on physical properties. This project is bold and ambitious, and answers the forthcoming expectation from consumers and citizens for high level of trust and confidence about contactless nomadic devices.
A 2-day workshop was organized on April 14-15th 2018: Workshop on distance-bounding: past, present, and future. It brought together over 35 participants having a wide expertise on distance bounding protocols: theoreticians and practitioners, experts in attacks, protocol-design, (formal) security analysis.
Starting date: February 1, 2017; Duration: 5 years; Budget: 1,499,750 euros